Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jimmy Davis - An American Bad Ass

So there I am - at the Blue Bird Cafe to hear my old friend and bar fighting compadre Walt Wilkins. He had Jimmy Davis in the round with him. Now most of us have heard our share of in the rounds and usually you are ready for that circle to get back to your favorite guy. Well brothers and sisters when Jimmy Davis started telling a story about his grandma he had me. His sisters were at the bar just giggling and laughing at that story and then they had me too. Then Jimmy launched into a song and he went past "had" and moved into "owned." I am a picky alt country critic. Maybe I have heard one too many songs but it's hard to win me over. Jimmy Davis did it. I was immediately a Jimmy Davis fan. The fact he came back to the house and drank moonshine and played the blues with me didn't hurt either, but he had me way before that. So do me this, listen to some of his tunes or better yet go out and see him live. His constant smiling, from obviously loving what he does on stage, will get you smiling. When he hits you in the head with his music you will agree. Jimmy Davis is a bad ass. His sister is pretty damn cool too!

Here is the updated info Jimmy "Daddy" Davis:
08/01/2012 at 09:00 PM @ Saxon Pub in Austin, TX 

Stay tuned for my interview with Jimmy Davis to be aired in the future...and the future is pretty cool. 

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